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Investing in your community is a great way to give back to those who have helped support your business. Volunteer groups and non-profit organizations do so much to help the communities that all of us are a part of, but they can't do it alone.

Bliss and Co is proud to be a part of charities that make a difference to our local and national community. If you or a charitable organization would like Bliss and Co. to be part of any fundraising efforts, please send us an email with details about the organization and event.

JUNE 2011 - Banana Chocolate cupcake
A GORILLA SIZEDTHANK YOU! In the month of June, our "Going Banana's" promotion managed to collect and donate 168 old cell phones to the Calgary Zoo's Conservation Outreach fund.

Next year we hope to double that number...


Bliss and Co is committed to the humane treatment of

animals.  Our efforts  begin  with the purchase of  Alberta

Raised Certified Free Run/Range eggs in all of our products.
We are hoping that these small steps will encourage others
to make the same efforts to support a humane environment
for all animals.

When you buy a cupcake from  Bliss & Co.  feel content that
you  are making a change by supporting a local bakery that
supports local farmers who care about what you consume.

Humane Effort

Bliss and Co. feels very strongly about being responsible to our Earth. We understand that every act of conservation matters and we are committed to only purchasing packaging that is recyclable.

We also offer the option of using paper products over plastic products to our consumers. We use green cleaning products and manually recycle on a daily basis all of the packaging we receive. 

We also minimize the use of disposable paper and plastic products by purchasing materials that can be used multiple times.

Bliss and Co. believes in taking care of our home and that any environmental impact starts at the individual level.


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